Scores and Comments

Alliance for Independence

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Underserved Cultural Community Development
Request Amount
Total Score282.000
Average Score94.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Bosley Cicely 40 30 18 10 98
Gordon-Wallace Rosie 35 29 18 8 90
Haas Pamela 37 29 18 10 94


Bosley Cicely - Score: 98.000

Organization's mission is great! Love what you do! 

Competitive salary: Great!

How will your new hire be trained to serve your unique clientele?

Gordon-Wallace Rosie - Score: 90.000


What skill- level does the artist instructor need? 

Will the salary have other benefits included?

Haas Pamela - Score: 94.000

Wonderful mission for this organization.  I love that in the long run, the participants in this program can learn to become independent. 

The program is inclusive of individuals with special needs and abilities.