Scores and Comments

City of Apalachicola

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Arts In Education
Request Amount
Total Score276.000
Average Score92.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Bosley Cicely 37 28 19 10 94
Gordon-Wallace Rosie 37 28 18 8 91
Haas Pamela 37 28 16 10 91


Bosley Cicely - Score: 94.000

Strong history and background

Wonderful that the City supports the arts in its community - smart move!

Nice, long range planning for marketing and promotion

Well written grant

How are you evaluating the quality of artists and teaching artists? The plan really only asks participants about satisfaction. How do you maintain quality teaching and learning?

Incremental but significant expense jump



Gordon-Wallace Rosie - Score: 91.000


Does the AIR program offer a stipen to artists?

Haas Pamela - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}