Scores and Comments

Hope Academy of Music

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Arts In Education
Request Amount
Total Score274.000
Average Score91.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Bosley Cicely 38 25 18 10 91
Gordon-Wallace Rosie 35 28 20 9 92
Haas Pamela 37 27 17 10 91


Bosley Cicely - Score: 91.000

Impact: Clarify 4 schools or 10 schools (numbers are different in different parts of the grant). Students served seem low - what is the reasoning for only 15 students per school?

Great prioritizing students with F/R lunch.

One goal listed is generating a feeder pattern for the middle school, but that isn't evaluated. Consider including this data collection - how many students move onto middle school band?

Because you are growing consider: Evaluation plan is focused solely on student performance - how are you evaluating the efficacy of the program at the schools with the teachers and administrators? Evaluate operations, too.

Management: Nice, incremental budget growth. Project cost is 48,800, your operating budget is 54k, but there are no other expenses listed?

Do you charge schools? What is the diversity of your funding?

Good support from the district specialist. Your goal is to expand into two more schools - which two schools? What is your plan for implementation?


Gordon-Wallace Rosie - Score: 92.000

Would have liked more info- program description?

How are the students identified.

Whats the purpose of the testing? Should children not have at least one subject that they can just have fun?

Haas Pamela - Score: 91.000
Curious why the process of assigning interested, eligible students to instruments and teachers takes 4 months?  Sept - Dec according to the timeline.