Scores and Comments

South Florida Chamber Ensemble, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Arts In Education
Request Amount
Total Score281.000
Average Score93.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Bosley Cicely 36 30 19 10 95
Gordon-Wallace Rosie 40 29 20 9 98
Haas Pamela 32 27 19 10 88


Bosley Cicely - Score: 95.000

Nice mission. The link between the arts and literacy isn't explicit, though. May need a clearer explanation as to how this program works. 

A lot of variance in budgeting from year to year.

Who develops the books?

VSA partner - great!

Gordon-Wallace Rosie - Score: 98.000
Excellent and innovative program -- life changing through the arts.
Haas Pamela - Score: 88.000
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