Scores and Comments

Divali Nagar Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Individual Artist
Request Amount
Total Score353.000
Average Score88.250

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Alfson Zac 38 25 18 8 89
Allegretti Antonio 36 26 18 10 90
Faulds Rod 35 25 15 8 83
Frost James 38 26 17 10 91


Alfson Zac - Score: 89.000

Interesting and engaging project.

Small request amount is appropriate for emerging artist with less than 1 year of programming experience. Scale of project is very achievable.


Allegretti Antonio - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}
Faulds Rod - Score: 83.000

if there is going to be a public exhibition, only 1000 will attend? low impact?

she's asking for too little money. Should engage a historian, etc.

should have included more work samples (in work sample section - I now see there are more in support materials)

Frost James - Score: 91.000
Interesting, locally focused. I like it.