Scores and Comments

Pure Cinema USA Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Individual Artist
Request Amount
Total Score316.000
Average Score79.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Alfson Zac 33 24 9 9 75
Allegretti Antonio 37 26 18 10 91
Faulds Rod 25 25 10 9 69
Frost James 31 24 16 10 81


Alfson Zac - Score: 75.000
Budget detail leaves a lot to be desired - does not reinforce narrative. Letter of support from BuldingUS includes several specific examples of resources they will make available, but cash grants are never mentioned. 
Allegretti Antonio - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}
Faulds Rod - Score: 69.000

no framing or other production costs - how are these portraits presented?

poor work sample(s) - only one

no resume, no reference to website

Frost James - Score: 81.000
Low impact number, thought numbers aren't everything.