Scores and Comments

Amelia Island Opera

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Individual Artist
Request Amount
Total Score356.000
Average Score89.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Alfson Zac 38 28 15 8 89
Allegretti Antonio 35 29 18 10 92
Faulds Rod 37 26 12 5 80
Frost James 37 29 19 10 95


Alfson Zac - Score: 89.000
Worthwhile project building cultural identity. Budget is unclear - problems with new online system? I would like to see more proactive accessibility work addressed. 

Allegretti Antonio - Score: 92.000
Compelling project. Ambitious but laid out in a way that one can envision potential outcomes. Appreciate the number of collaborations and detail and specifics of this grant
Faulds Rod - Score: 80.000

Impact numbers seem a little hyper - is this web access/impact?

work sample - a silkscreen print of architectural pattern? Given desire for diversity, complexity of project etc, the visual example does align with rhetoric in grant text

I look at a lot of visual artists resumes and the lack of specificity here is unusual. He doesn't specify group vs one-person exhibitions. Also, since this is a grant for Florida artists shouldn't his resume state his Florida address?? or that he is a contemporary artist with studies in London, Vienna and Miami???

Frost James - Score: 95.000
Important and vital work for the design community - often unreserved and marginalized. Great historical reference. Partnership lists reads like a who's who! Crazy IMPACT!