Scores and Comments

JS Willey LLC

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Individual Artist
Request Amount
Total Score300.000
Average Score75.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Alfson Zac 20 10 10 8 48
Allegretti Antonio 38 27 18 10 93
Faulds Rod 35 25 8 9 77
Frost James 34 24 14 10 82


Alfson Zac - Score: 48.000
Applicant has described past programming, but no specific activities, goals, or objectives for project period. No timeline is provided. 
Allegretti Antonio - Score: 93.000
love the focus and ambition
Faulds Rod - Score: 77.000

the DCA expects more in the timeline section to demonstrate management competence

most of the funds go to the artists (understandable) but sometimes partners require some support/assistance.

no work samples - other musicians provided recordings - why none here?

Frost James - Score: 82.000
Admirable project to bring music to the masses.