Scores and Comments

Jennifer Garcia

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Individual Artist
Request Amount
Total Score361.000
Average Score90.250

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Alfson Zac 39 29 15 10 93
Allegretti Antonio 34 28 20 10 92
Faulds Rod 37 27 15 8 87
Frost James 36 25 18 10 89


Alfson Zac - Score: 93.000
Legal Status of the Applicant is listed as "Other," which is not an eligible response. With both Applicant Status and Institution Type being listed as Individual, I believe this is in error. 

Very robust project, well-written proposal with significant impact.
Allegretti Antonio - Score: 92.000

I appreciate the investment in diversity

Excellent accessibility

Faulds Rod - Score: 87.000

project is rather ambitious (or unfocused?) in terms of all the people/places she will touch in order to make the project happen


A historian and/or anthropologist could/should be part of this project and/or collaboration with the Native American/Seminole Museum - Ah-Ta-Thi-Ki Clewiston (isn't it in Broward County?)


not enough budgeted for Administration for ambition of project

Frost James - Score: 89.000

Legal status lists "other"

Great impact, partners. Very interesting project!!!