Scores and Comments

City of Crestview

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Individual Artist
Request Amount
Total Score296.000
Average Score74.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Alfson Zac 35 29 0 8 72
Allegretti Antonio 30 15 19 10 74
Faulds Rod 25 20 10 5 60
Frost James 36 26 18 10 90


Alfson Zac - Score: 72.000

Make sure project is executed during project period: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019.

Where is Applicant Cash coming from? Would like to see more detailed budget.

Allegretti Antonio - Score: 74.000
I would have liked to have seen a larger number of Floridians impacted,
Faulds Rod - Score: 60.000

low impact numbers

not convinced she is an artist

weak Timeline

Frost James - Score: 90.000
Storytelling is a fantastic area - glad to see it being addressed here.