Scores and Comments

Artist Series Concerts of Sarasota, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score357.000
Average Score71.400

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 35 25 16 6 82
Jose Brian 24 17 18 3 62
Palkhivala Tania 35 25 18 5 83
Rivera Darren 24 22 16 5 67
Rusconi Ellen 20 25 14 4 63


Cox Elaine - Score: 82.000

This grant proposal is lacking information and detail. Would like to see examples of the types of programs you off in schools? Would like to see economic impact as well.

For future grants I advise you use more of the space provided to speak to the impact you have on your community.

Jose Brian - Score: 62.000

Good mission, but aftyer that there is very little detail in this section of the application. What are the goals for the organization and grant? What are the objectives, and how are they measuered? What does success look like?

The partners look good, but the grant application would benefit from more detail.

Again, the application lacks detail in the impact section. What is the economic impact? What are the details on the educational impact? There must be a more detailed expectation from the marketing plan.

Applicant shows evidence of goof fiscal management.

Accessibility area would benefit from more detail and evidence of training.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 83.000

While you have identified outputs (number of concerts), there are no measurable objectives (of success) of the organization's proposed programming during the grant period.

There is no explanation of the economic impact (in the Proposal Impact section) of the organization or this proposal. In the future, the Arts & Economic Prosperity calculator could be useful to help articulate this information.

It is critical that your organization completes the 504 Self Evaluation around Accessibility compliance.

Rivera Darren - Score: 67.000
The proposal suffers from a lack of goals, objectives and measurable outcomes. Health benefits to people living with Parkinson's disease is stated, but not backed up with research, evaluations (qualitative or quantitative) or letters of support. The marketing plan lacks specificity. The evaluation plan lacks detail. Greater efforts should be made to address and document matters related to accessibility.
Rusconi Ellen - Score: 63.000

Goals, Objectives need to be more clearly stated.  Partnerships seems incomplete (marketing partnerships?)

Timeline needs detail

hard to evaluate level of artistry with so little detail

High impact numbers

This proposal needs a more detailed narrative and more in-depth responses to the questions posed in this application.

No details in accessibility.  No staff person for accessibility compliance