Scores and Comments

Islamorada Community Entertainment, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score413.000
Average Score82.600

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 36 27 16 9 88
Jose Brian 27 19 17 8 71
Palkhivala Tania 37 27 17 9 90
Rivera Darren 31 23 17 10 81
Rusconi Ellen 32 24 18 9 83


Cox Elaine - Score: 88.000
Would like to see more information about how you plan to grow in 2019. Would also like to have seen details about your economic impact in Islamorada. How much money in tourism does the festival bring in each year? 
Jose Brian - Score: 71.000

Applicant provides ample evidence of programming in support of admirable mission, but reviewer would like to see goals and measurable objectives specified in application.

Reviewer would like to see far more detail of economic and educational impact.

Reviewer would like to see more detail on evaluation protocols, and how evaluation will be used to guide future strategy and operations. Applicant has good fiscal stability.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}
Rivera Darren - Score: 81.000
The proposal does not contain measurable objectives. At least one should be associated with your goals to fill a cultural void, enhance tourism and create better experiences for visitors. Good partnership with the Florida Audubon's Everglades Science Center to advance the organization's cause. Specifics about the program's economic impact is missing. Use the Americans for the Arts economic prosperity calculator for this, if you don't have the primary data.
Rusconi Ellen - Score: 83.000

Activities are well detailed

Objectives are missing altogether.  Need measurable targets.

Partners seem to be true partners and roles are clearly stated

Timeline is detailed but what happens August - December?  that must be the busiest time.

Proposal Impact - stronger with Economic Impact data

If scholarships plays a big part in this, need to know how scholarships are determined and administered.  Who decides who receives scholarships?

Marketing - more detail is better

Evaluation plan is moderate.

Budget is detailed.  Org budget shows financial restraint and reasonable surplus.  Proposal budget provides a lot of detail

Accessibility - try to update 504 workbook a little more frequently

Support materials should be more and provide evidence of excellence of art.