Scores and Comments

Teatro Avante, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score270.000
Average Score90.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine
Jose Brian 32 25 17 10 84
Palkhivala Tania 36 29 19 10 94
Rivera Darren 33 29 20 10 92
Rusconi Ellen


Cox Elaine - Score: 0
Mario Ernesto Sanchez sits on the Board of Performing Arts Center Trust, the Adrienne Arsht Center's 501c3.
Jose Brian - Score: 84.000

Applicant does good job tying goals and programs to mission. reviewer would like to see measurable objectives in application. Reviewer would also like to see greater detail in partnership section.

Applicant manages the evidence of economic impact, and to some extent, educational impact. Applicant provides a thorough marketing plan.

Applicant does a nice job highlighting evaluation protocols.

Applicant has exemplary Accessibility section of grant.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 94.000
While I appreciate the demographic information in the Proposal Impact section, there is no language about fully measurable objectives as requested in the grant application.
Rivera Darren - Score: 92.000
The proposal is well written and includes a diverse set of activities that support the organization's mission.  It would be strengthened, however, with measurable objectives, e.g. Increase attendance in Miami-Dade by X percent by (date); have X percent of participating theatre companies rate their experience with the festival as satisfied or highly satisfied (or something similar to this). Good economic impact. Good marketing mix.
Rusconi Ellen - Score: 0
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