Scores and Comments

Town of Greenville

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Arts In Education
Request Amount
Total Score452.000
Average Score90.400

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 36 25 19 10 90
Jose Brian 36 27 18 8 89
Palkhivala Tania 37 29 18 10 94
Rivera Darren 36 30 19 9 94
Rusconi Ellen 34 27 15 9 85


Cox Elaine - Score: 90.000
Love to see in your proposal that you present in English and Spanish to provide equal accessibility to all students. 
Jose Brian - Score: 89.000

Applicant provides suitable evidence of programs , goals and objectives supporting mission. Further, applicant provides excellent list of partners.

Applicant provides strong evidence of educational impact, but no mention of economic impact.

Reviewer would like more detail in Accessibility section from applicant.


Palkhivala Tania - Score: 94.000

The application instructions request fully measurable objectives in the Proposal Description section. I do not see any language about the metrics used to measure success of this Specific Cultural Project.

Thank you for speaking to how language is an acccessibility issue that you address in your work.

Given you indicate a $10,000 In-Kind Match under Performance Fees in the budget, it would be useful to know "the wage rate the individual is normally paid for the service" so that reviewers have an understanding of how much time is being attributed to this match.

Rivera Darren - Score: 94.000
Strong impact via bilingual (or Spanish-language only) performances, and commitment to connecting with young artists in the communities they visit. Overall, a very strong application.
Rusconi Ellen - Score: 85.000

clearly stated activities and partnerships

high impact numbers

very clear proposal.

Good videos available