Scores and Comments

Les Demerle Amelia Island Jazz Festival, Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score438.000
Average Score87.600

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 37 25 16 8 86
Jose Brian 36 24 17 6 83
Palkhivala Tania 37 27 16 10 90
Rivera Darren 38 27 18 9 92
Rusconi Ellen 38 25 16 8 87


Cox Elaine - Score: 86.000

Would like to see more detail about your Jazz Education programs. You reach up to 2,000 students each year, how are you extending that impact and getting those kids to stay involved in Jazz? Is there a way you could incorporate them into your festival?

Nice to see how much free programming you offer.

Jose Brian - Score: 83.000

Grantee did a good job with mission, partnerships and proposed program; however, I found the goals section to lack and detail or metrics.

The Impact section of this grant is a little weak. I want to know more about activities and economic impact. That said, the marketing/promotion was well considered.

No staff person responsible for 504 compliance is noted and necessarily brings down the score in this area.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 90.000

The application instructions request fully measurable objectives in the Proposal Description section. I do not see any language about the metrics used to measure success of the organization's general programming.

It is unclear to me as a reader why the Proposal Budget section does not include all costs related to General Program Support for the 2018-2019 grant year. Even though you only plan to use the money for costs related to musicians, you should include all line items for the organization's costs related to providing programming. This helps reviewers understand how you plan to manage finances during the proposal period.

Rivera Darren - Score: 92.000

Strong program description, and good description of partners. I would encourage use of online marketing (web, social media, e-mail blasts), especially as a means of reaching youth about jazz camp and other education programs. Would have like to have seen a report/evaluation of the first year of the summer jazz camp, i.e. outputs (numbers served, hours of instruction provided, etc.), outcomes, lessons learned, etc.

Rusconi Ellen - Score: 87.000

Goals and objectives could be laid out more clearly.

Partnerships are specific in the role of each partner

Timeline - I believe they can make this happen, but the timeline should be much more detailed

Marketing - only discussed paid and trade - what about social media? Email list? other in-house resources and partners' in-house resources?

Evaluation plans need more rigor

Budget - remaining operating expenses needs explanation at 75% of budget

Management and Proposal Budget - where are all the other expenses for this proposal?

Will be stronger if quantify in-kind

Yes to 504

Music sample is good

More support materials would help