Scores and Comments

The Heartbeat Foundation Corp

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score394.000
Average Score78.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 25 20 16 8 69
Jose Brian 27 21 14 9 71
Palkhivala Tania 30 26 20 6 82
Rivera Darren 36 30 18 10 94
Rusconi Ellen 30 23 16 9 78


Cox Elaine - Score: 69.000

Your timeline should reflect what is happening within the grant period. I would like to see more detail of the four events happening in the 18-19 FY.

I am concerned that your goals are so broad that there is no way you would be able to accomplish them. Maybe narrowing your scope to focus on 1 or 2 things would be best? Would like to see statistics about the populations you work with. How has Heartbeat Foundation really made a difference?

Can you give exact numbers of your social media followers? Would like to see much more detail and verifiable information in your impact section.

Instead of telling us about the Brazilian Festival, I want to see what Heartbeat Foundation is doing! You're a partner in this event, so to me listing the impact of the festival is kind of misleading. Those festival stats would still happen without you. 

Jose Brian - Score: 71.000

Reviewer has many questions about this application and how to score it. The HEARTBEAT FOUNDATION clearly has laudable ambitions, but this application seems more like a fair/festival than an arts and culture-related enterprise. For example "Festival of Nations - Soccer Championship Weekend with FIFA." Is there a specific arts component? If so, please describe the arts experience. Or "Minority Job Fair" - what is the arts component? How can I score these components in an 'arts and culture' grant?

What are the collaborative relationships with partnerships? Do the programs meet the qualifications of this grant? As feedback to applicant, these are not the kind of questions you want the reviewer to considering.

There is little description of the activities. The timeline is vague regarding upcoming aspects of festival.

Applicant does an excellent job of demonstrating economic impact, and has an admirable marketing plan. Reviewer would like to see evidence of educational impact.

Applicant does not describe fiscal sustainability. How is evaluation used to modify strategy and operations? All years show loss or projected loss.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 82.000

There are no measurable Objectives as requested in the grant application.

The Timeline section is meant to help the reviewers understand what General Programming you are seeking support of during the grant period: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019.

There is no language addressing educational or outreach activities as requeste din the Proposal Impact section.

Rivera Darren - Score: 94.000

The proposal would be strengthened by including measurable outcomes, e.g. X percent of interns will demonstrate (metric). Good partnerships. Excellent detail on marketing plan.

Rusconi Ellen - Score: 78.000

Goals , Objectives and Activities - many of these activities are not eligible for funding: job fair, donations to churches, internships.  This is for arts and culture.  I would limit application to those areas.

Partnership - more details on the roles of each partner

Timeline - would be better to limit it  to the activities involved in this funding round, not history.  And clarify that funding is for arts and culture (not soccer).

Impact audience numbers do not total correctly - significantly less than total

Good economic impact numbers (though occupancy rate during October does not mean the cause is this Festival)

Marketing is specific with many outlets and quantities included

Multi year contracts are good but can only be a part of the story.  What other info can be provided to give the readers a sense of fiscal condition?

Admissions income is higher in proposal

Accessibilty feels incomplete.  It is good to know they welcome performers with disability.