Scores and Comments

City of Homestead

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score421.000
Average Score84.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 36 24 15 10 85
Jose Brian 35 23 18 9 85
Palkhivala Tania 37 27 18 10 92
Rivera Darren 31 23 15 10 79
Rusconi Ellen 33 24 13 10 80


Cox Elaine - Score: 85.000

For such a small community, I am impressed by the amount of programing you are bringing to the Seminole Theatre. It is varied, diverse and speaks to your audience in Homestead. 

Strong partnerships and obvious community support.

You marked that your programming serves Palm Beach? I would like to see a percentage breakdown of how much of your audience comes from Monroe, Dade and Palm Beach.

Would like to see more detail about your marketing plan. How do you plan to develop the things you said you are going to develop. What are your next steps? I'm concerned that by hiring an outside company to run your theatre, that they won't be in tune with the audiences in Homestead. 

I have questions about your budget. Your overhead is very high, and I would like to see an explanation as to why it jumps up so much year-over-year. There is an optional budget information box you could have used to better elaborate on your budget. 

Jose Brian - Score: 85.000

Applicant manages evidence of mission being supported by goals and extensive partnerships. Reviewer would like to see more measurable objective developed.

Applicant makes case for important cultural services but provides little evidence of economic impact and educational impact in the grant's Impact section. Applicant demonstrates strong marketing plan.

Applicant does admirable job highlighting evaluation protocols and fiscal understanding and stability.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 92.000

The Arts & Economic Prosperity calculator could be useful to articulate the economic impact of the City and the proposal.

It would be useful to have an explanation of why the administrative costs go up so significantly from year to year. I imagine that it is due to the addition of staff for the theater, but it would be helpful to understand the purpose of those staff position so that reviewers may evaluate that increase as it relates to the management of the proposal finances.

Rivera Darren - Score: 79.000

Activities support mission but objectives are not measurable. Each objective should have at least one measurable outcome. For example, the proposal states the applicant "strive(s) to bring diverse audiences..." so quantify that. Similarly, state the intention of the goal of "inspiring and helping young audiences" by assigning quantifiable metric(s) to it. Qualitative impact statements are vague and the proposal lacks detailed economic impact information. (Use the Americans for the Arts economic prosperity calculator for this if you don't have access to primary data.) The program's evaluation plan should go beyond numbers. Attracting 25,000 patrons in your first year is commendable, but what did they think about the performances, facility, etc? It's not clear from the proposal that the management company or the City solicits this information and plans to use it going forward.

Rusconi Ellen - Score: 80.000

Mission - re-read sentence to ensure it makes sense

Objectives - need clear, measurable targets providing steps to achieving goals

Request is $150K or $90K?

High number of events and activities

Partnerships seem effective and wide-ranging

Proposal Impact would be strengthened with more quantitative data including economic data.

Marketing and promotion- better writing would strengthen this section - it was hard for me to assess the marketing they do.  I understand the initiatives and objectives, but I'm more interested in what is done to reach out to the community.

Fiscal Conditions and Sustainability - let us know how maintenance costs and budegt is going forward.  Spend less time on history.  Make us understand why this is a viable project to fund.

Evaluation - Tell us the plan, not history or intentions.  Concrete evaluation methods.  Again, better writing and editing would make thsi more understandable.

Management and Proposal Budget - need full budget here

Accessibility - 504 plan was updated within 2 years.

OVERALL this proposal would benefit by closer reading in proofreading and editing process.