Scores and Comments

Miami Dade College

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score444.000
Average Score88.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 38 29 19 9 95
Jose Brian 32 25 19 10 86
Palkhivala Tania 37 28 19 8 92
Rivera Darren 31 27 20 9 87
Rusconi Ellen 32 26 17 9 84


Cox Elaine - Score: 95.000

Thank you for a detailed proposal impact section. This is a smart and well-crafted proposal and explains MDC expertly to readers who might not live in Miami and already have awareness of the school. 

Your 504 self-evaluations needs updated.

Jose Brian - Score: 86.000

Applicant has strong mission, and its programs are impressive in supporting said mission. Reviewer would like to see measurable goals and objectives highlighted in this section of the application. Reviewer would also like to see detail about extant and proposed partnerships. Who are your partners, and what are the relationships?

Applicant manages evidence of economic and educational impact. Reviewer would like to see more detail in marketing plan.

Applicant provides strong evidence of fiscal oversight and a good evaluation plan.

Applicant provides a strong Accessibility section in grant.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 92.000

There are no fully measurable objectives as requested in the grant application.

Why are 10 proposal events not available for public participation?

Rivera Darren - Score: 87.000
The proposal states a primary goal of providing "new opportunities for profound and meaningful arts increase awareness and understanding of diverse cultures an points of view" but does not list measurable objectives in support of this goal. The evaluation plan does not shed any additional light on what is measured.
Rusconi Ellen - Score: 84.000

Objectives - only listed as part of activities. Application would be strengthened by adding clear measurable objectives establishing targets breaking down steps to goals.

Partnerships - strengthen by discussing partnerships other than with MDC and faculty.

IN general in this section, too much is devoted to details of activity series to leave ample room for info on other areas this section needs to cover.  Streamline Activitiy descriptions to make this proposal stronger.

Timeline - better if detailed to allow reader to understand the support given to artists and outreach to the public  throughout the producing process.

Any economic study (or use of calculator) just for MDC Live Arts?  More data in Proposal Impact section would strengthen this section.

Marketing - data again  - mailing list size, open rate, % of audience who are students/faculty, etc.

Fiscal condition - good financial controls are in place. What about surpluses, deficits,   Good notes on funding.

Good evaluation methods.

Proposal budget is significantly in excess of organization budget.

Accessibility - language note is good, collaboration, different neighborhoods, all a plus.

504 self evaluation should be undertaken again.