Scores and Comments

Romanza-St. Augustine, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score448.000
Average Score89.600

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 36 28 19 10 93
Jose Brian 31 27 18 8 84
Palkhivala Tania 37 29 20 10 96
Rivera Darren 37 24 19 10 90
Rusconi Ellen 35 26 14 10 85


Cox Elaine - Score: 93.000

Diverse programming that offers something for everyone. Strong partnerships within the community.

Strong metrics, positive growth.

This applicant seems to be doing everything right.

Jose Brian - Score: 84.000

There is plenty of evidence for activities, but no goal and objectives are shown. Further, there are few metrics to define success.

This is a long list of partners, but what are the relationships and expectations?

The "Excellence" section does not provide adequate information for this reviewer.

Proposal shows significant attendance, and although a zero is missing, I read this at $5million in economic impact. Little educational impact id demonstrated in grant application.

How is feedback from evaluations used for decision-making?

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}
Rivera Darren - Score: 90.000

Nice to see local young artists being incorporated into performances/activities with visiting artists. Quantifying the economic impact of activities would strengthen the proposal. Good sources of public funding, but private grants seem to be lacking.

Rusconi Ellen - Score: 85.000

Goals and objectives should be reviewed for understanding.

Activities sound dynamic and specific to the communities.  Would like to know more about the quality.

Partners - more information on the roles.  Are these just performing orgs?  Are they marketing partners?  Please give a better idea of the many types of partnerships you use to produce this wonderful work.

Timeline - more details on producing aspects would be stronger

Audience numbers do not add up

How many professional artists and how many amateur/student artists?  This ratio would give context.  Is everyone paid?  Are the students paid?  Are the Young Performers paid?

Proposal Impact - financial impact should be better-quantified for this level of request.  Better assessment of economic impact would strengthen this grant.  If it stimulates cultural and heritage tourism, the impact is most likely greater than $5000.

Advertising analytics data is impressive and very helpful to the reader.

Fiscal Condition - consistent increase in regional funding shows strong support

Evaluation plan - very strong and good data

No paid staff?  Not eligible for a grant this large.  And how then is there a staff person for accessibility compliance?

Proposal Budget - this does not seem complete