Scores and Comments

Fundarte, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score467.000
Average Score93.400

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 38 29 19 9 95
Jose Brian 38 26 17 10 91
Palkhivala Tania 39 27 20 10 96
Rivera Darren 36 23 20 10 89
Rusconi Ellen 38 28 20 10 96


Cox Elaine - Score: 95.000

Strong and detailed goals and objectives support your mission statement. 

Your choice of venues is as diverse as your purpose. I like that you present work all over the county, thus attracting a wide audience. Thank you for including your economic impact in this proposal. 

This is an excellent grant proposal. Fundarte is truly an organization that could only be found in Miami.

Jose Brian - Score: 91.000

Applicant provides evidence that mission is fulfilled by goals, measurable objectives and programs. reviewer acknowledges excellent work in the partnerships area of application.

Applicant manages evidence of economic and educational impact, and has strong marketing plan.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 96.000

You must have participants who live in neighboring counties; it would be useful to know which those are for the impact section.



Rivera Darren - Score: 89.000

I would consolidate objectives to only a handful, and make them measurable. Some objectives (#s 1 & 12, for example) are activities. You list them as such, so I would suggest removing them as objectives. Objectives that can be measured (#s 3, 6, 7, and 9) should have specific measurable outcomes, e.g. X percent of education outreach participants will achieve (metric) by (date). Excellent partnerships. Good qualitative impact statements but economic impact is missing. Use Americans for the Arts economic prosperity calculator for this if you don't have the data.

Rusconi Ellen - Score: 96.000

Goals, objectives and activities very complete and inclusive.

Partnerships serve many purposes and are clearly described with roles and responsibilities included.  Demonstrates a good use of community to increase resources and reach.

Timeline could be strengthened by including timing for steps supporting performances and not just performances  themselves.

Additional impact notes of intangibles is strong and a great use of that response space.

Proposal Impact - including economic impact data here would strengthen this application.  It is currently in evaluation (as they mention in teh proposal).

Marketing is comprehensive.  

Fiscal condition showing history of growth and diverse, growing funding sources is very good.

Evaluation both internal and external is good.

Budgets are very complete and easy to read.  Income projection seems appropriately conservative.

Accessibility - I like the term integrated seating for wheelchair-bound patrons.   Board includes members with disability.  Very complete section with many types of accessibility addressed.  504 evaluation undertaken within the past year.