Scores and Comments

Chopin Foundation of the United States, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score454.000
Average Score90.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 37 27 20 9 93
Jose Brian 34 25 19 10 88
Palkhivala Tania 37 30 20 9 96
Rivera Darren 38 24 20 9 91
Rusconi Ellen 36 25 16 9 86


Cox Elaine - Score: 93.000

Thank you for providing free concerts in addition to your paid events, thus making the music of Chopin truly accessible. 


Jose Brian - Score: 88.000

Applicant has clear mission with goals and objectives and partnerships that support mission.

What are the measures and metrics from these objectives that will inform organizational strategies?

Applicant does adequate job of demonstrating economic impact, and gives strong evidence of educational and outreach activities. Applicant manages evidence of marketing plan.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 96.000

The objectives are not stated as fully measurable as requested in the grant application.

Thank you for the budget explanation on what is included and not.

Rivera Darren - Score: 91.000
Program activities clearly support the organization's mission. Qualitative impact statements convey the proposal's impact, but this would be strengthened by quantitative economic impact data. (Use the Americans for the Arts economic prosperity calculator, absent proprietary data.) There would seem to be opportunities to engage more school-based youth than zero, especially given partnerships with Miami-Dade and Broward Music Teachers National Associations. 
Rusconi Ellen - Score: 86.000

Goals, Objectives and ACtivities are good.  Proposal would be strengthened by adding another objective or two.

Partnerships are detailed.

Economic Impact would be strengthened by giving Economic Impact in community for ancillary spending and by quantifying how much CF is putting into the local economy.

Impact - Educational - how are scholarship recipients chosen?

Marketing is very complete with many angles

Fiscal condition - includes high endowment and mandated fiscal responsibility

Operating Budget Information notes are very helpful

This is such a large surplus that I wonder whether the Foundation could do a little more for the community while still accumulating $ for the national competition every 5 years.  It's a fine line of whether the state funding is put to good use or simply expanding endowment.

Accessibility section good, but evaluation 2.5 years ago.