Scores and Comments

Miami Hispanic Ballet Corp.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score429.000
Average Score85.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 36 28 18 8 90
Jose Brian 32 24 19 9 84
Palkhivala Tania 35 29 18 10 92
Rivera Darren 29 23 18 10 80
Rusconi Ellen 35 24 15 9 83


Cox Elaine - Score: 90.000

Very detailed proposal. Strong marketing campaign. 

Would like to see an explanation for your Total Cash Expenses budget-line increase.

Jose Brian - Score: 84.000

Applicant has clear, if not long, mission statement and clearly describes their programs. Reviewer feels confident in organization's ability to carry out proposal. Applicant also describes partnerships; however, reviewer cannot find evidence of goals and measurable objectives in the "Excellence" section of application.

Applicant demonstrates cultural service and an array of activities. Reviewer would like to see more detail of educational impact, and there is little mention of economic impact. Applicant manages evidence of marketing very well.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 92.000

Objectives should be fully measurable.

There is a significant swing up in the budget ($90,000)  from what you indicated for Current Fiscal Year and Next Fiscal Year and then a swing down by almost the same amount in the Proposal Budget. It would be useful to have an explanation so that we the reviewers understand the finances of the organization and how they are managed.

Rivera Darren - Score: 80.000
The proposal suffers from the absence of objectives and outcomes. Each program listed as part of the festival and collateral activities should contain measurable outcomes. In other words, tell us what you want to accomplish with each program, and how you will measure the degree to which you achieved success. (The proposal briefly addresses one such objective,increase attendance by 10 percent for the 2018 ballet performance series, in the evaluation section, but otherwise does not list measurable outcomes.) Qualitative impact statements do a nice job of showing the program's importance, but quantitative economic impact statements are missing. (Use Americans for the Arts economic prosperity calculator for this, if you don't have proprietary data.) Strong marketing plan.
Rusconi Ellen - Score: 83.000

Goals and Objectives - objectives must provide clear measurable targets.  When talking about a process for example that Mr. Pena has a strict protocol as to who is invited, detail some of this process. What is the protocol?  Give evidence to back up these kind of statements.

Partnerships  - partnerships include partners beyond Florida

Timeline repeats the information included previously in application.  Let us know the producing timeline.

Overall, the space available could be used better and result in a more compelling proposal with more complete responses.

Proposal Impact - response is repetitive of info already presented.  In 20 years, there must be quantified impact data to include. Economic impact inclusion would strengthen this proposal.

Marketing and Promotion - good detail provided.  Be sure to proofread to make responses more readable.

Fiscal Condition and Sustainability - we have no idea whether purchase is reasonable and how close they are to purchase price.  Cost of renovations?  Does the org have a surplus or a deficit?  We need more information to understand this.

Evaluation plan depends very heavily on press/media.  Seems more should be internal.  What about surveying artists and companies involved?

Budget shows big jumps in funding and admissions.  Is this realistic?

Very complete Management and Proposal Budget.

In kind in proposal budget is greater than in org budget

Evaluation date for 504 is after submission date of application.

Not everything is accessible due to historic place.

Supplemental materials are very professional.