Scores and Comments

Daytona Beach Symphony Society, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score455.000
Average Score91.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 38 28 18 10 94
Jose Brian 36 26 17 8 87
Palkhivala Tania 40 28 19 10 97
Rivera Darren 27 28 18 10 83
Rusconi Ellen 38 28 19 9 94


Cox Elaine - Score: 94.000

Reasonable and appropriate goals.

Awareness- good membership growth

Appreciation- nice to see the reach out to YPs

Your 67 seasons of operation speak to your impact.


Jose Brian - Score: 87.000

Applicant provides evidence for meeting mission through goals, objectives and activities. I would like to see more measurable in objectives.

Applicant provides a long list of partners. I would like to know more about the depth of these relationships.

Applicant is able to demonstrate programmatic, educational and economic impact.

Overall, the Management section is strong save the evaluation section which shows little true evaluation and metric measures.

How are performances made accessible to a wide swath of residents and tourists?

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 97.000
{No comments provided.}
Rivera Darren - Score: 83.000

Nice job or organizing goals, objectives and activities. Most objectives, however, would be strengthened through measurable metrics, e.g. "Increase the 25 to 55 age demographic of our audience from X percent to Y percent between [date] and [date]." Nice to see a foray into digital marketing, and interested to see preliminary results. Great thank you notes from Yes! program participants.

Rusconi Ellen - Score: 94.000

Goals, Objectives and Activities very well laid-out and linked.  Would be stronger if more objectives were matched with clear quantified targets.

Partnerships - any partnerships for marketing?  This section would benefit by thinking more broadly.

Timeline - I find it easier to understand the process and management if the timeline is for the project, not aligned to goals

Marketing - very complete with many aspects

Evaluations - most done annually rather than throughout the year. Are audience and YES program participants surveyed?

Current year shows large surplus?

Accessibility could be more thorough.