Scores and Comments

Sarasota Concert Association, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score435.000
Average Score87.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 35 19 18 10 82
Jose Brian 30 25 19 9 83
Palkhivala Tania 36 29 16 10 91
Rivera Darren 37 28 20 10 95
Rusconi Ellen 34 24 16 10 84


Cox Elaine - Score: 82.000

Strong objectives that you should be easy to achieve.

I feel like there is a missed opportunity to not engage more youth. You speak of giving away tickets to improve student attendance, but I don't see any education component.

Jose Brian - Score: 83.000

Applicant has good mission statement and manages the evidence of supporting that mission through quality programs. I would like to see more detail on how success of objectives will be measures.

No partnerships are identified??? Are there no collaborations? Zero points for this area brings down the score for the "excellence" section.

Applicant manages evidence of sound fiscal management.


Palkhivala Tania - Score: 91.000

If this is your 73rd season, what was the rationale behind selecting the "1-2 years" option as to how many years of completed programming the organization has?

If tourists comprise 35% of your audiences, your counties served should reflect this as well.

It would be useful to know why your expenses and income went up over $130,000 one year and dropped more than $150,000 the next year.

Rivera Darren - Score: 95.000

Th goals, objectives and activities section was well organized and easy to read. I appreciate that the first of the five objectives is measurable. The proposal would be strengthened, however, if all objectives were measurable, e.g. increase student attendance by X percent (from A to B) over last year.

Rusconi Ellen - Score: 84.000

Clear goals, strong activities and high-caliber artists. 

Objectives would be stronger if presented with clear targets

No partnerships mentioned

Timeline would be stronger if more detailed

Audience impact numbers should add up

Outside evaluation of economic impact would strengthen application

Good accessibility

Fiscal management and condition is very strong

Evaluation plan could be more multi-faceted and is not as extensive as could be.