Scores and Comments

Highway Park Neighborhood Preservation and Enhancement District, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score457.000
Average Score91.400

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Cox Elaine 35 27 20 9 91
Jose Brian 32 28 19 9 88
Palkhivala Tania 36 29 20 9 94
Rivera Darren 37 27 19 9 92
Rusconi Ellen 34 28 20 10 92


Cox Elaine - Score: 91.000
This is obviously an important event for your community. You recognize that art can be a catalyst for community restoration. Thank you for paying your artists.
Jose Brian - Score: 88.000

Good mission statement

I would like to see the goals highlighted and objectives expanded upon. What are the measures of success? Similarly, I would like to see the relationships with the partners expanded upon. A lack of detail here pulls down the score of an otherwise stronger grant proposal.

Applicant manages the evidence of impact quite well.

Applicant demonstrates evaluation plan and management acumen.

Palkhivala Tania - Score: 94.000

Your principal and mailing addresses site Jacksonville as the city instead of Lake Placid.

Your Partnerships section should identify the entities and organizations that help you provide this Specific Cultural Project. Donors could be listed in the Management section to address Cash or In-Kind Match.

The Arts & Economic Prosperity calculator could be useful to help you articulate the economic impact of your organization and the proposal.

Rivera Darren - Score: 92.000
Good diversity of activities. Many of the partnerships appear to be supporters, not partners. Measurable outcomes would strengthen the proposal. Event attendance indicates strong community support. Are Soul City magazine, Success magazine, etc., listed in the marketing plan paid vendors? The application references a collaborative relationship. If so, they should be listed as partners (indicating broad community/business support). This seems like a great event for a great community.
Rusconi Ellen - Score: 92.000

Objectives - Remember to make Objectives specific measurable ends with clear targets for specific action.

Activity section would be stronger with more specificity.

Focus more on partnerships in the partnership section - there is a place for fiscal responsibility later. 

Timeline is very well detailed and thought out.

Marketing section is very detailed.

Very detailed budget - can see how much artists are paid

Match is greater than request

REDI area

strong accessibility - one volunteer is disabled - a strong symbol to the public that everyone is welcome