Scores and Comments

Osceola Arts, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Local Arts Agency
Request Amount
Total Score493.000
Average Score82.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 30 29 16 8 83
Cuyler Antonio C. 30 20 15 10 75
Ford Shannon 32 24 16 8 80
Hoesing Jennifer 35 27 16 8 86
Killoren Michael 35 20 18 7 80
White Paula 36 28 16 9 89


Coffey Tamara - Score: 83.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 75.000
To only have two goals seems unambitious. Can you clarify your response to the question regarding the percentage of the population benefitting. If 13.6% of Osceola County's population is African/Black American, how is 25% of that population is benefiting? To improve your evaluation plan, articulate how you assess the goals you described in the beginning of your proposal. Can you explain the increase in expense for personnel?
Ford Shannon - Score: 80.000
With the organization's focus on education, it's curious that Osceola Arts didn't provided a fuller description of its educational offerings, particularly its adult classes. The goal of establishing technical theater academy needed more detailed description of objectives and timeline. Is the planning and design of the theatre academy the primary responsibility of the new technical theatre director? 
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 86.000

I would like for the fiscal position information to provide more detail about debts, reserves, endowments, etc.

Thank you for the details under additional proposal budget information. Always very helpful for clarification!

I would like to see goal, objectives, activities and timeline for other Osceola Arts activities be even more specific about connections between the 2014 5-year strategic plan and the State/CBF goals. Measurable objectives really set strong proposals apart.

Killoren Michael - Score: 80.000
The applicant mentions a laudable goal of extending reach into growing diverse community - especially Hispanic -- and others, but I don't see any evidence of existing strategy.  Perhaps I am missing something?  What -- if any -- are the efforts to diversify the pipeline?  What kind of curriculum to reach growing Hispanic population?
White Paula - Score: 89.000
Well-written proposal; goals and objectives are clearly defined; good use of grant funds - to support goals and objectives