Scores and Comments

United Arts Council of Collier County, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Local Arts Agency
Request Amount
Total Score510.000
Average Score85.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 35 30 18 8 91
Cuyler Antonio C. 30 20 15 10 75
Ford Shannon 34 25 15 6 80
Hoesing Jennifer 31 27 15 7 80
Killoren Michael 35 29 19 10 93
White Paula 34 30 18 9 91


Coffey Tamara - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 75.000
Without partnerships and timelines for your goals, how will are we supposed to know that you will execute them? In addition to people of Latin decent, residents who identify as White make up 25% of the population likely benefitting from your programming. Why not include this? I am also curious to know how you engage residents of color on your board and staff, and in your programming? Without this, I cannot fully assess the true impact of your proposal. Your evaluation plan is an opportunity to explicitly address how you assess your performance of the goals you articulated at the beginning of your proposal. 
Ford Shannon - Score: 80.000
{No comments provided.}
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 80.000

Partnerships and timeline are missing from this application.

The bold italics make it very hard to read the application.

What does "send thank you notes to the world" mean?

Killoren Michael - Score: 93.000
Primary focus on arts ed and after school, apparently reaching diverse populations (could have been expanded).  School report helpful.  Looks like they do a lot with given resources.
White Paula - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}