Scores and Comments

Florida Art Education Association, Incorporated

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - State Service Organization
Request Amount
Total Score537.000
Average Score89.500

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 35 26 19 9 89
Cuyler Antonio C. 35 25 15 10 85
Ford Shannon 35 25 17 9 86
Hoesing Jennifer 37 27 19 9 92
Killoren Michael 38 28 18 10 94
White Paula 36 28 18 9 91


Coffey Tamara - Score: 89.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 85.000
I appreciate that you acknowledge pursuit of engaging students of Latin decent in your programming as it aligns well with Florida demographics. However, given that Florida's population is more than 20 million, your impact seems terribly low. The evaluation plan does not reflect the goals and objectives articulated in the beginning of the proposal. Why not? Seems like you have the same staff as FMEA which did this very well. 
Ford Shannon - Score: 86.000
What is this organization's relationship with the Florida Department of Education?
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 92.000

Same questions about SSO designation - box is not checked. Should it be?

How is underrepresented defined?  (1bii)

Killoren Michael - Score: 94.000
Appears to be well-run organization providing important in-service to art teachers, and advocate for arts ed.  Beyond annual conference, seems to actively promote learning and sharing knowledge.  With additional resources, I could see FAEA reaching every county.
White Paula - Score: 91.000

Mission statement could be stronger.  Clear goals and objectives.  Good marketing materials, especially Fresh Paint.  It's a little concerning that their donor contributions have shifted from cash to in-kind, but they have identified that and are exploring new sources of revenue, which is commendable.