Scores and Comments

The Florida Music Education Association, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - State Service Organization
Request Amount
Total Score563.000
Average Score93.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 35 30 18 8 91
Cuyler Antonio C. 35 30 20 10 95
Ford Shannon 39 29 18 9 95
Hoesing Jennifer 39 29 19 10 97
Killoren Michael 38 28 18 8 92
White Paula 36 29 18 10 93


Coffey Tamara - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 95.000
Almost 25% of Florida's population is LatinX, but your programs primarily seem geared towards students who identify as White. What are you doing to increase LatinX and students of color participation in your programs? Without this information the true extent of your impact is not realized. I'm very impressed that your evaluation plan fully considers your articulated goals and objectives. However, please explain the increase in your budget for personnel.
Ford Shannon - Score: 95.000
Goals are impressive, comprehensive, and specific. How were the goal increases in participation determined? I would like a fuller explanation of how FMEA and The Center for Fine Arts Education's business relationship is managed.
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 97.000

This is a model application. The impact section is strong. Any applicant wanting to check out a great impact section should ask Division staff for a copy of this application.

Are there target increases for the first set of measurable objectives?

I love the advocacy of contacting the legislators from All Staters' districts. I'm sure many LAAs and SSOs could replicate this as an advocacy tool.

Killoren Michael - Score: 92.000
As a statewide service org, FMEA has an impressive membership list.  It appears that the annual conference is the largest activity.  In addition to serving as an important professional development and research resource for teachers, the advocacy work and direct work with students is impressive.  However, I was surprised to see no other categories checked under impact - surely a statewide effort includes reaching a more diverse segment of the population?
White Paula - Score: 93.000

Mission statement could be stronger.  The organization does great work, but the mission statement is broad and nondescript.  

I would like to see specific plan for use of funds in the proposal synopsis - the proposal itself is strong and well-written.

The number of conferences and workshops they hold is incredible.  

I think more information about CFAE in the management section would be helpful. 

Great professional development opportunities for teachers regarding educating students with disabilities.