Scores and Comments

Monroe Council of the Arts Corporation

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Local Arts Agency
Request Amount
Total Score541.000
Average Score90.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 35 28 16 9 88
Cuyler Antonio C. 40 15 15 10 80
Ford Shannon 37 28 18 8 91
Hoesing Jennifer 39 29 19 10 97
Killoren Michael 35 28 18 10 91
White Paula 38 30 16 10 94


Coffey Tamara - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 80.000
Your response to the question regarding demographics seems inaccurate. Given that 79% of your county's population identifies as White, it is probable that 25% or more benefit from your services. Furthermore, what efforts have you made to engage the 21% of your population on your board, staff, and in your programming? Without answering this question, I cannot fully assess your proposal's impact. To improve your evaluation plan, explicitly discuss how you assess your performance on the goals you articulated at the beginning of your proposal
Ford Shannon - Score: 91.000
How was the program Lunch Notes developed and how will the program's success be assessed? What role will the Council play in the recovery from Irma?
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 97.000
I like how you reference QuickBooks, Constant Contact and other measurement tools as evaluation tools. So often we think these things have to be complicated when they aren't (or don't have to be).
Killoren Michael - Score: 91.000
Pretty clear operation - doing a lot with its' resources, aspirational goals - good accountability.  Looks like a well-run LAA with good communtiy support.
White Paula - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}