Scores and Comments

Florida Alliance for Arts Education, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - State Service Organization
Request Amount
Total Score447.000
Average Score89.400

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 35 26 19 8 88
Cuyler Antonio C.
Ford Shannon 37 27 16 8 88
Hoesing Jennifer 35 28 18 9 90
Killoren Michael 38 26 18 7 89
White Paula 38 28 16 10 92


Coffey Tamara - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 0
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Ford Shannon - Score: 88.000
How does this organization engage with public officials about the public value of arts education?
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 90.000

Intro an impact of 50,000 is mentioned. Individuals benefitting in impact section is listed at 16,729. Can you help me understand the disparity?

There are lots of budget changes in private support that are significant.


Killoren Michael - Score: 89.000
Appreciate attempts to diversify revenue.  Appears to be doing a lot with limited resources, and in partnership with other statewide arts education organizations.
White Paula - Score: 92.000
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