Scores and Comments

Arts Council Division of Hillsborough County

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Local Arts Agency
Request Amount
Total Score558.000
Average Score93.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 37 30 18 8 93
Cuyler Antonio C. 40 25 15 10 90
Ford Shannon 37 28 17 7 89
Hoesing Jennifer 37 28 19 8 92
Killoren Michael 39 28 20 10 97
White Paula 38 29 20 10 97


Coffey Tamara - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 90.000
I am glad to see that you acknowledge those ethnic demographics that make up 25% of your county's population that benefit from your programming. However, how do you engage other populations of color in your staffing, board, and programming? You have very well written goals. I am disappointed to see that your evaluation plan does not address how you assess your performance on achieving those goals. What explains the increase in costs for personnel?
Ford Shannon - Score: 89.000
I applaud the Arts Council of Hillsborough County's efforts to address the issue of cultural equity in its own grant practices and by providing greater access to arts and cultural opportunities. If not already planned, I encourage the organization to engage underserved populations in values and asset mapping to ensure that any strategies developed to address access are rooted in these populations' concerns.
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 92.000

These objectives and activities are measurable and easy to understand. Kudos!

Question on goal 2 activities: will arts organizations be expected to provide 2-for-1 admission? Or will your organization be purchasing the tickets? Who would be expected to take the loss on the 2-for-1? The organization I work with is wrestling with ticket discounts - we are trying to teach our audience to value what we offer and are concerned that offering discounts or BOGO trains them to wait for later or to expect to not pay as much.





Killoren Michael - Score: 97.000

Clear mission, goals, objectives -- and performance measure look reasonable and aligned with goals and objectives.

Great to see work beginning on diversity and cultural equity.  Timeline looks well considered.

Annual report very helpful to assess organization.

White Paula - Score: 97.000
{No comments provided.}