Scores and Comments

St. Johns County Cultural Council, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Local Arts Agency
Request Amount
Total Score480.000
Average Score80.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 34 27 15 5 81
Cuyler Antonio C. 25 25 15 8 73
Ford Shannon 33 26 16 8 83
Hoesing Jennifer 32 25 17 6 80
Killoren Michael 33 22 17 8 80
White Paula 36 26 14 7 83


Coffey Tamara - Score: 81.000

Budget problems and lack of information in Accessibility are critical issue to success of application

Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 73.000
I appreciate that you explicitly state how you will use the funds. However, I would have appreciated more clearly articulated SMART goals and objectives. Although most of your county's population identifies as White, what efforts do you specifically make to engage the 16.6% of your population who is of color on your board, staff, and programming? What is the cause of the increase in budget for personnel? To improve your evaluation plan, develop SMART goals and explicitly discuss how you will assess those goals. 
Ford Shannon - Score: 83.000
The tone of this application is constrained by the TDC funding restriction. While the restriction is significant, and I hope it is amended, it seems strange to couple a request for local arts agency support with an explanation of how community arts organizations and programming for local residents are valued less than organizations and programs that have the name recognition to draw tourists. Further, I'm not sure from the application how it was determined that capacity building would be valuable to local groups. Have they been consulted about the design of the ABCD program?
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 80.000

What are ABCD workshops? I'm guessing the acronym is related to the business development position and activities, but I seem to be missing the reference in the application.

I would like to learn more about the increase in private support in the current FY, projected into the grant period FY.

What increases did you see in state/regional govt support?

Killoren Michael - Score: 80.000

The ABCD program seems clear and makes sense, but I'm not sure what the travel expenses mean or how they relate in the project budget: NAMP, AFTA, etc. 

Would like to see a little more strategic focus -- I'm sure it's there -- but could probably be laid out more clearly via goals, objectives and strategies.

White Paula - Score: 83.000
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