Scores and Comments

Miami-Dade County

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Local Arts Agency
Request Amount
Total Score551.000
Average Score91.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 35 28 19 8 90
Cuyler Antonio C. 35 20 15 10 80
Ford Shannon 39 29 20 9 97
Hoesing Jennifer 39 30 20 10 99
Killoren Michael 35 25 17 8 85
White Paula 40 30 20 10 100


Coffey Tamara - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 80.000
A more detailed timeline would have helped to better make your case. Given your county's ethnic demographics, how have you made use of diversity on your board, staff, and in your programming? Without addressing this question, it is difficult to assess the real impact of your proposal. To improve your evaluation plan, explicitly discuss how you assess your performance of the goals articulated at the beginning of your proposal. Why do the costs for your personnel increase?
Ford Shannon - Score: 97.000
Miami's capital grants program is unusual. How does the department monitor capital improvements? Does the department track contractor's licensing and bonding requirements? What relationship does the Division has with Miami-Dade schools?
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 99.000
Great application. Thank you for your work in Miami-Dade county. All in the cultural sector across the US appreciate your leadership.
Killoren Michael - Score: 85.000

75,000 events?  Is this a typo, or does this represent the sum total of all DCA funding organizations?

Impressive list of partners -- and clearly an exceptional LAA - however, I was surprised to see few "community-based" partner orgs.

Evaluation narrative lacked detail for such well-financed programs.

Overall, as an extremely well-resourced LAA, with an impressive range of programs and services, the goals and objectives seemed general and vague, with the exception of engaging broader public -- very good examples.

Clearly, the agency is doing great work, but the application narrative didn't provide the context or fully address the impact in the community which I am certain is there. Perhaps attaching the business plan would have helped.

White Paula - Score: 100.000

Very well-written proposal; goals and objectives are clearly defined and are consistent throughout narrative; outreach and accessibility initiatives are incredible