Scores and Comments

Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Local Arts Agency
Request Amount
Total Score558.000
Average Score93.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Coffey Tamara 33 30 18 10 91
Cuyler Antonio C. 40 25 15 10 90
Ford Shannon 39 28 18 9 94
Hoesing Jennifer 37 29 19 9 94
Killoren Michael 39 29 20 10 98
White Paula 34 27 20 10 91


Coffey Tamara - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}
Cuyler Antonio C. - Score: 90.000
I appreciate that you acknowledge that 30.3% of Duval county's population is African/Black American. However, what percentage of this population and other populations of color are represented on your board and staff, and in your programming? Your evaluation plan would serve you better if you used it to address how you assess your progress on achieving the goals and objectives you articulated at the beginning of your proposal. Can you explain the increase in your personnel?
Ford Shannon - Score: 94.000
I appreciate that the Cultural Council embraces its role as an advocate for the arts in Greater Jacksonville, and that it brokers new opportunities for arts organizations to grow with their communities (like partnering with PNC). Its commitment to artists through funding, networking and professional development opportunities is commendable. Also noteworthy is the agency's leadership in developing public art and public spaces, as well as its enlarged and enlightened understanding of accessibility. While it is certainly appropriate for the council to focus its limited resources to achieve deep impact in arts education, it seems plausible that the agency may be able to leverage its track record to benefit additional schools in the future.
Hoesing Jennifer - Score: 94.000

Applicants unsure of how to lay out goals, objectives, activities and timeline so far out should look to this as a model application.

Thanks for sharing your hashtag marketing strategy. It's a great idea for LAAs to amplify the message in the community.

I would like to learn more about the decreasing marketing budget in the current FY - projected to continue in the grant period FY.

Can you tell me more about the increased state/regional support in the current FY - projected to continue the upward trend in the grant period FY.

Please note that VSA has moved away from its "very special arts" branding some years ago.

Killoren Michael - Score: 98.000

Clear mission, work plan, implementation strategies.

I applaud the cultural equity work -- which identifies the gaps and informs goals and accountability.  Excellent work on this front, and on community engagement.

White Paula - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}