Scores and Comments

The District Board of Trustees of Tallahassee Community College

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score495.000
Average Score82.500

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Black Thomas 33 25 13 9 80
Geitner Robert 30 24 17 8 79
Iles Delma 32 25 15 8 80
Rodante Leigh 35 25 17 7 84
Sabo Jennifer 36 20 17 9 82
Young Elizabeth 35 25 20 10 90


Black Thomas - Score: 80.000

Evaluation and programming are unclear - this should be fleshed out and better demonstrated, perhaps utilizing the support materials.

Numbers served in the narrative do not match numbers served in the impact questions.

Impact and Marketing narratives are repeated.

Geitner Robert - Score: 79.000
  • Marketing section seemed to be repeated from section above -  was happy to find the ad agency report in the support documents.  There was a missed opportunity here to discuss how the plan came together and its effectiveness.
  • Some confusion throughout narrative about the number of editions of WOS, one section says 5 years another 3 years - also the narrative references a 2 day festival in one section and and 3 day festival in others.
  • The Evaluation Plan Section is vague and does not describe any tactics for gathering data nor describe any measurable objectives.


Iles Delma - Score: 80.000

Event sounds like fun

No where in the grant does it mention whether the artists to be presented are actually Southern artists, the collateral materials are unclear on this as well. One group on the brochure was from New Jersey.

Project is fuzzy about ticket sales. The Project description reads "it is anticipated that" most events will be provides free of charge, but the budget shows $25,000 in ticket sales income.

The sections for Impact and Marketing are identical. There is no marketing plan presented.

There is no space rental line item. If the park is available free of charge, why does is it not designated as an in-kind contribution? Also, what about permits, insurance, etc.?

Project Budget needs greater detail in almost all line items.

Nice collateral materials in terms of design, but weak in terms of information.

The overall grant is extremely repetitive.



Rodante Leigh - Score: 84.000
  • Serve 18,000 or 370,000? clarify. 
  • More specific details on marketing and promotions
  • great website.
Sabo Jennifer - Score: 82.000

Include more information on impact statistics. Impact numbers are low for a large grant request. You need to update your 504 workbook.  It is more than 2 years old. Also, make sure to use access symbols on all marketing. 

Young Elizabeth - Score: 90.000
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