Scores and Comments

Barrier Island Group for the Arts, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score527.000
Average Score87.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Black Thomas 38 27 16 8 89
Geitner Robert 37 24 16 8 85
Iles Delma 36 28 19 7 90
Rodante Leigh 30 27 17 6 80
Sabo Jennifer 36 28 19 9 92
Young Elizabeth 36 27 20 8 91


Black Thomas - Score: 89.000
Ask for more money! There's no reason not to ask for the full $150,000. Also, yes, it's ok that you have depreciation, but your budgets should aim to accommodate for that so that you break even. Programming is robust - the definition of a multidisciplinary applicant.
Geitner Robert - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
Iles Delma - Score: 90.000

Proposal details activities, but does not provide goals and objectives.

Scholarships for summer camp.

Good admissions revenue.

All grant funds requested are for marketing.

Some artists on the past roster are nationally known, such as John Sebastian and The Drifters, but there are no bios or background information provided for most of the performing artists, and no bios for the teachers in the summer camp. This makes it difficult to determine the quality of the presentations and the instruction.

Reasonable ticket prices.

Organization seems to provide good community service.

Rodante Leigh - Score: 80.000
The grant synopsis indicates the use for marketing but I didn't see the marketing plan. Also, it is stated it has implemented and refined market research project. Is that tied into the marketing plan? 
Sabo Jennifer - Score: 92.000

Programs were very clearly described; however, make the measureable objectives a bit clearer. Well-written impact section.  Include a few statistics about the educational impact next year. Make sure to explain how your programs, not just your space, are accessible and remember to use access symbols on your marketing materials.

Young Elizabeth - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}