Scores and Comments

Atlantic Center for the Arts, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score578.000
Average Score96.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Black Thomas 39 29 20 10 98
Geitner Robert 37 28 18 8 91
Iles Delma 40 29 20 9 98
Rodante Leigh 40 30 20 10 100
Sabo Jennifer 37 28 19 10 94
Young Elizabeth 38 30 20 9 97


Black Thomas - Score: 98.000
Excellent application. Thank you for providing so much budget detail. Support materials are excellent - examples of evaluation are particularly appreciated.
Geitner Robert - Score: 91.000
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Iles Delma - Score: 98.000

This organization has maintained a very high level of quality over a significant period of time.

The grant was beautifully written and the budget was clear and easy to follow.

Rodante Leigh - Score: 100.000
ACA recognizes the importance of contributing to the community by fulfilling its social responsibility with its arts and wellness programming initive. Continue to enlighten us ACA! Well done. 
Sabo Jennifer - Score: 94.000

Excellent commitment to accessibility.  Please update your 504 workbook. It is just over 2 years old. Good job using access symbols on marketing.

Young Elizabeth - Score: 97.000
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