Scores and Comments

University of Florida

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score558.000
Average Score93.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Black Thomas 40 28 18 10 96
Geitner Robert 37 25 18 9 89
Iles Delma 38 29 18 9 94
Rodante Leigh 38 27 18 9 92
Sabo Jennifer 39 24 19 9 91
Young Elizabeth 38 28 20 10 96


Black Thomas - Score: 96.000
Would have liked to have seen examples of evaluation. Programming is excellent and well-demonstrated. Potential for meaningful impact is clear.
Geitner Robert - Score: 89.000
{No comments provided.}
Iles Delma - Score: 94.000

Good: theater for health education, healthy communities through creativity, opera integration

How does Agbedidi Africa reach Miami-Dade County other than one performance by NWSA and UF students?

Excellent partnership documentation

Impact section is very general, primarily discusses UF with only a little about the project impact, and most of that is economic impact

Good marketing section

Budget is very clear and easy to read

Rodante Leigh - Score: 92.000
{No comments provided.}
Sabo Jennifer - Score: 91.000

Include additional information on the impact of the programs on participants not just the economic impact. Please remember to use access symbols on your marketing materials.

Young Elizabeth - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}