Scores and Comments

Deerfield Beach Historical Society Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score617.000
Average Score88.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Tiffany 37 28 17 8 90
Colvin Richard D. 34 26 17 8 85
johnson jeremy 35 28 18 7 88
Nagy Rebecca 37 28 17 3 85
Santiago Caroline 40 30 20 7 97
Tomor Michael 36 28 16 8 88
Wilson Jennifer 35 27 16 6 84


Baker Tiffany - Score: 90.000

Partnerships demonstrate relationships across the community and include stakeholders of various ages and interests. Impact is substantial for the amount of funds requested and the volunteer nature of the organization.  

Various marketing strategies will be implemented and are mentioned in the plan.

Applicant has not completed either the Section 104 workbook or the the Abbreviated Accessibility Checklist, which is reflected in the Accessibility score.

Colvin Richard D. - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
johnson jeremy - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Nagy Rebecca - Score: 85.000

Programs are designed to appeal to diverse audiences and interests, with focus on engaging high school students. Farmer’s Market is a good way to reach new audiences. Specific numerical or percentage measurements for goals would be helpful where appropriate, as would more detail on economic impact. Fiscal stability is helped by support from local government ($50K) and sustainability by the diversity of skills exhibited by the working board. Including in-kind donations in the budget in the future will help to show strength of local support as well.

Santiago Caroline - Score: 97.000
It seems that someone from this organization must complete the Accessibility Checklist.
Tomor Michael - Score: 88.000
The Deerfield Beach Historical Society is seeking out support in its efforts to forge new programming and strengthen partnerships with its colleagues in the 2018-19 year as a result of its recent relocation of its 1951 caboose restoration, continued legacy programming and filming of its pioneers and collaborative events city-wide. It current goals and objectives reached demonstrate a commitment to its mission and community.  Their community partnerships have allowed them greater outreach.  Like the Historic Tours Walk to its four Museums, video testimonials and virtual tour projections.  Collections projections are reasonable; it would have been helpful to hear about collections and acquisition policies.  For a city the size of Deerfield, attendance numbers are outstanding and their marketing initiatives balanced.  There is a note of caution related to the budget and that over 50% of the revenue last year and 75% this fiscal year was donated by the Local/County.  Public funds are not sustainable in general.  Although stated in the application, relationships with the City are sound, it would be wise to better balance the revenue streams. I am also a bit confused there are no personnel expenses.  Are the staff all contract employees.  A rating of 16 (high Fair) on this category is given due to the small budget, lack of clarity of staff, and the high public contributions over private support.  Find the art-based activities as an accessibility for individuals issue for purposes of self expression odd.  As an aside - high attendance and outreach; great impact; good balanced programs; no professional staff and half of a budget fulfilled by the City/County. 
Wilson Jennifer - Score: 84.000

You provide a nice presence with outreach and educational activities in the community at events and elsewhere. The proposal is somewhat lacking in concrete details of your plans for the grant period. It sounds like you are working on better collections management practices, which is encouraging. Would like to see more data collection from participants in programming. Conducting a formal accessibility review is imperative.