Scores and Comments

Urban League of Broward County, Incorporated

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score610.000
Average Score87.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Clercx Byron 36 24 19 10 89
Dodds Jed 30 25 15 8 78
Harder Lee Ellen 37 27 18 10 92
Krivinchuk Jeremiah 35 25 19 10 89
Packard Lisa 35 15 18 10 78
Ryan Sara 38 28 18 9 93
Sanfilippo Amanda 35 27 19 10 91


Clercx Byron - Score: 89.000


  • Mission statement clearly describes the organization and program/activities fully support the mission.
  • Goals and objectives focus on relevant entrepreneurial training to help minority artists develop essential business and marketing skills.
  • Consider adding complimentary assistance/arts training and how to curate, display, and talk about art at a professional-level to improve participants’ confidence and career opportunities. 
  • The rotating art gallery and the entrepreneurial center (EC) are commendable and align with the mission and help foster the creation and growth of small business owners in Broward County
  • The proposed activities and description of partnerships are reasonable but would benefit from a more thorough explanation/delineation
  • More attention to assessment and how activities would be measured would be helpful (e.g., consider including a rubric with qualitative criteria and measures and stretch targets)
  • Additional supporting documents would further reinforce claims


  • Worthy cultural service to community
  • The marketing and promotion plan is appropriate and effective
  • Activities can be achieved in grant cycle and outcomes are measurable
  • Total number of individuals this proposal would benefit seems low (and limited to those directly affected). A larger ROI would be plausible, and could be claimed, if the aggregate impact on families, neighborhoods, and the ability of these arts events to further stimulate cultural and economic outcomes were considered/calculated.
  • Consider emphasizing and/or expanding your organizations contributions creative economy by citing the American’s for the Arts, Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 report which provides free statistical data, testimonials, case studies and affiliated economic prosperity calculator that is compelling.


  • Very confident in ULBC’s fiscal stability and the ability and drive of the organization to carry out the remainder of the project as described in the proposal.


  • Appears to fully satisfy accessibility criteria (504 Self Eval, compliance staff person, etc.)
Dodds Jed - Score: 78.000

I found very limited detail on the specifics of the program, or evidence of prior accomplishment, to support a determination on the quality.

I would have liked to see any of the following: artist and/or instructor bios, lesson plans, examples of PR materials, details on the partnership with ArtServe (mentioned only in passing with no background or context); images of past exhibitions and receptions; description of curatorial process or goals, etc.

Another suggestion: if indeed the artistic component is largely provided by ArtServe, perhaps they could help provide specifics for future proposals.

Budget is high for limited activity: $16,000 for two instructors? $5,000 for two receptions?

No attachments or website that might have addressed the concerns stated above. 

There's no doubt in my mind that artists of color are generally under resourced, so I genuinely would have liked to support a recommendation for funding, but this proposal didn't reassure me that the organizers had thought things through.


Harder Lee Ellen - Score: 92.000
{No comments provided.}
Krivinchuk Jeremiah - Score: 89.000
Would like to see support materials.
Packard Lisa - Score: 78.000
I graded very low on impact because this $50,000 project is going to serve 10 artists at two workshops and two gallery openings and 15 students will be exposed. The bulk of the money is for administrative, i.e., consultants. I feel the impact is woefully small to support the requested amount.
Ryan Sara - Score: 93.000

Excellence: Nation's largest and oldest direct service civil rights organization. Would be strengthen by clearer breakdown of goals and the objectives that feed back into them.

Impact: Is there a goal you have in mind for economic impact?

Management: Culture of diligence. Add economic boost of conference to impact section. Cash reserves, debts, long term liabilities? Wish you would have addressed significant decrease to marketing budget as well as increase to rent.

Accessibility: ADA accessible. Any future plans to address other physical or intellectual disabilities?

Sanfilippo Amanda - Score: 91.000
The art component of the program could be more detailed - what support will artists get?