Scores and Comments

Forgotten Coast Cultural Coalition, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score636.000
Average Score90.857

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Clercx Byron 36 28 18 10 92
Dodds Jed 37 27 18 8 90
Harder Lee Ellen 38 26 19 10 93
Krivinchuk Jeremiah 38 26 19 10 93
Packard Lisa 35 25 20 10 90
Ryan Sara 38 27 18 8 91
Sanfilippo Amanda 32 25 20 10 87


Clercx Byron - Score: 92.000


  • Mission statement is aspirational and describes the organization
  • Goals and objectives are clearly described but several could be strengthened by introducing quantitative benchmarking measures (e.g., consider adding target and stretch target revenue goals for sales of paintings to support arts programming
  • The punch list of activities (e.g., strategic planning, exhibitions, educational programs, etc.) is appropriate, fairly ambitious, support the missions, and many include some quantitative components that are measurable.
  • Consider referencing how quantitative and qualitative measures will be used to assess the Activities (e.g., include specific statistical data gathered from prior events and consider establishing a target and stretch target assessment goals)
  • A list of partners with brief contextual references was provides
  • Confident in the ability of the organizations to carry out the remainder of the project as described in the proposal.


  • The separate impact categories was effective and demonstrates significant economic impact your programs/projects have on quality of life factors.
  • Appropriate marketing/promotion plan but promoting the economic impact data and success stories at all your events and in all your print and online materials will ensure your impact message resonates and sticks.
  • The $2M in local sales, lodging and entertaining is impressive. Providing the data source (like AEP5 data, quotes or the community arts economic impact calculator) to validate these claims externally will strengthen your argument
  • Consider listing what the volunteers were trained for and/or what instruction the high school students received and, more importantly, how this exposure enhanced their critical thinking, problem solving skills, and/or career prospects.
  • Provides cultural service to community and region
  • The marketing and promotion plan is appropriate and effective (reaches multiple populations and benefits (156) artists directly)


  • Very confident in organizations financial stability and ability to carry out proposed activities in grant cycle
  • Evaluation plan relies heavily on surveys. Consider benchmarking the data collected and experimenting with additional assessment strategies (e,g., hiring a series of  impartial external evaluators to review events or overall program.


  • Detailed compliance description and appears to fully satisfy accessibility criteria (504 Self Eval, compliance staff person, ADA compliant, etc.)
Dodds Jed - Score: 90.000

Impressive event overall - scope and ambition of programs.

They understand the link between plein air and preservation.


Harder Lee Ellen - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
Krivinchuk Jeremiah - Score: 93.000
Nice job with clearly defined goals and objectives.  
Packard Lisa - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}
Ryan Sara - Score: 91.000

Excellence: Robust list of goals, objectives, activities and partners. Unclear of the importance of activity #7.

Impact: Strong economic section. Program is education-based. Do you have an outreach component? Scholarships?

Management: Strategic long-range plan, large cash reserve. Any debt or long term liabilities?

Accessibility: Inclusive audience stated in mission. ADA compliant, symbols added to future publications. Wanted more information on content and partnerships choices have been made to facilitate access to under-served and multi-cultural participants

Sanfilippo Amanda - Score: 87.000

This is a cool program. Could be broadening reach of artistic mediums