Scores and Comments

Images, A Festival of the Arts, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score650.000
Average Score92.857

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Clercx Byron 37 29 19 10 95
Dodds Jed 37 28 18 8 91
Harder Lee Ellen 38 29 19 10 96
Krivinchuk Jeremiah 37 25 19 10 91
Packard Lisa 40 30 20 10 100
Ryan Sara 37 27 18 9 91
Sanfilippo Amanda 32 24 20 10 86


Clercx Byron - Score: 95.000


  • Mission statement is perfunctory and dry but it describes the organization and programs/activities fully support the mission
  • Goal: to be one of top 75 Outdoor Art Festivals in the US. Seeing as Sunshine Artist Magazine listed 21 Florida art and design festivals in their top 75 slots in a 2015 ranking of the 100 Best Fine Art & Design Shows in the US, this is a lofty and laudable goal. However, it’s may well be attainable since IMAGES developed a 5-year strategic plan to reach this goal.
  • Objectives are clearly written and activities listed below each are strategically focused. However, not all are easily measured. Consider adding numerical targets and stretch targets for each to help benchmark data collection, assessment, and actionable items.


  • Cites solid creative economy impact data put out by United Arts of Central Florida. Consider enhancing and expanding these affirmations by citing the American’s for the Arts, Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 report is embedded with rich statistical data, testimonials, case studies and affiliated economic prosperity calculator that is very useful.
  • IMAGES marketing and promotional plan is extensive, divergent, impressive and effective.
  • Very confident in the value-added impact of the event and in the organizations ability to carry out the proposal and sustain the event.


  • Very confident in IMAGES fiscal stability and the ability and drive of the organization to carry out the remainder of the project as described in the proposal.
    • IMAGES: A Festival of the Arts was founded in 1977 and has been presented every year without interruption.
    • The organization is fiscally sound and carriers no debt.


  • Appears to meet ADA accessibility criteria (504 Self Eval, compliance staff person, etc.)
Dodds Jed - Score: 91.000

Strong articulation of goals & strategies.

Quality could still stand improvement, but they appear to be taking all the right steps and managing effectively.

Harder Lee Ellen - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}
Krivinchuk Jeremiah - Score: 91.000
Clear goals and objectives.  Would expect to see higher impact numbers given the marketing plan, the number of participating artists and students and the support of the Patron Purchase Program.
Packard Lisa - Score: 100.000
This is obviously a humongous event and a well-oiled machine. I see nothing wrong with the application whatsoever. What surprises me is the $21,000 in sponsorship for this event. That is a surprisingly low number for such a major event with tremendous impact to the local businesses. 
Ryan Sara - Score: 91.000

Excellence: Great synopsis. Concise, descriptive, and references 42-year history. Very strong overarching goal. All objectives tie back to goal and all activities support a specific objective. Some areas for improvement include adding how after listing an objective (ie. enhance opportunities for people with disabilities and increase access by adding appropriate accessibility symbols to all marketing and educational materials) and clarifying what you mean by overnight stays in objective 5.

Impact: Excellent impact numbers. Economic impact well communicated. Strengthen outreach section by describing programs. Great brag in promotion section regarding record number of members in Patron Program.

Management: 40-year track record, carries no debts. Do you have cash reserves? Great demographic reporting in evaluations section. Appreciated example of how you have used feedback to improve your services.

Accessibility: Free public event, ADA compliant, wheelchair-accessible accessibility symbols used in marketing materials. Do you have plans to address other kinds of physical or intellectual disabilities in the future?

Sanfilippo Amanda - Score: 86.000

more specificity in mission statement would be good 

May be a better fit for a festival/tourism grant