Scores and Comments

The Dunedin Fine Art Center, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score655.000
Average Score93.571

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Clercx Byron 36 26 17 10 89
Dodds Jed 35 28 16 8 87
Harder Lee Ellen 39 29 19 9 96
Krivinchuk Jeremiah 37 27 18 10 92
Packard Lisa 40 30 20 10 100
Ryan Sara 39 30 18 10 97
Sanfilippo Amanda 36 28 20 10 94


Clercx Byron - Score: 89.000


  • The Mission statement is aspirational and describes the organization and programs/activities fully support the mission
  • DFC Goal is full enrollment and space utilization (21 classrooms)
  • Objectives (7) and Activities (sub-lists that follow each, for the most part, in alpha order) are stated in clear sentences. Objectives and activities with quantitative targets (e.g., maintain goal of 95% student satisfaction in workshops) are more easily measured than others that do not incorporate numbers (evaluate class cancellations)
  • The range and number of partnerships is extensive, impressive, and attests to DFAC’s reputation in the community.  The affiliations and agreements that make up many of the relationships are defined and connected to DFAC’s mission.
  • Confident in the ability of the organization to carry out the proposal.


  • Marketing and educational outreach activities are appropriate for the size/scope of the program/project and DFAC’s service mission
  • Likewise, very appropriate numbers of individuals benefiting from the program/projects (95K total, 15.3K artists, 3K school-based youths and 5.2K non school-based youths, etc.)
  • Emphasis on how DFAC impacts artists, families, and children (quality accessible programming: lectures, classes, workshops, mobile clay lab, scholarships/access, etc), is commendable and reinforced in the support letters and by the Strategic Plan
  • Descriptions of the economic impact that relate to the DFAC’s projects and mission is limited to mention of: DFAC's projected budget of $1.8 million during the program year can expect to have an economic impact estimated at $4.8 million in our community. Our classes, memberships, the Palm Café, and Gallery Shop help contribute to the economy through sales tax, salaries, and funds paid. DFAC has 12 full-time and 4 part-time employees on staff plus 90 faculty and numerous volunteers. 
  • Consider going into more detail about how DFAC’s contributions to creative economy are impactful by citing some of the statistical data, testimonials, and case studies from American’s for the Arts, Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 report. You may also find Creative Placemaking by Markusen and Gadwa, useful in showcasing DFAC’s sizable role in economic and cultural development in Pinellas County and the state/region.


  • Very minimal concerns about the organizations fiscal stability and ability to carry out the proposed activities during and after the grant cycle (While DFAC just opened a new West Wing, it ended the fiscal year in the black and the organizations has an Endowment of $1.2M–including the State of Florida’s Cultural Endowment Match of $240K) which yearly provides income as prescribed by the endowment plan towards operating funds) 
  • Evaluation methods (surveys, membership and registration numbers, media reviews, letters, phone calls, emails, etc.) are appropriate and can help the organization achieve its proposed programs and mission, but not all are easily quantified/measured.


  • Appears to meet ADA accessibility criteria (504 Self Eval, compliance staff person, etc.)

Dodds Jed - Score: 87.000
Quality appears strong in their core education operations. Less evident in exhibitions. 
Harder Lee Ellen - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}
Krivinchuk Jeremiah - Score: 92.000
Goals are clear and defined with achievable action items.
Packard Lisa - Score: 100.000

Impressive application and very strong in-kind donations.

Ryan Sara - Score: 97.000

Excellence: Strong mission statement and goals. Objectives feed back into goals and are specific and measurable. 40 year partnership with the city of Dunedin. Several instructors have taught for over 25 years. Surveys to determine what people want to learn (community-responsive). Area for improvement: timeline. Would be clearly if you broken down per month or quarter.

Impact: Strong economic impact. Fantastic education and outreach programs (Wheels on Wheels, Summer Art Academy, Feeling Arts)

Management: How much has your student and membership numbers increased? How many months of operating does your cash reserve cover? Following strategic plan, have endowment, paid off construction loan. Any other debt or long term liabilities?

Accessibility: ADA compliant, scholarships, Creative Aging program, Just Imagine program on top the excellent programs already mentioned in impact section.

Sanfilippo Amanda - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}