Scores and Comments

Nova Southeastern University

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score674.000
Average Score96.286

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Clercx Byron 40 29 18 10 97
Dodds Jed 38 28 20 8 94
Harder Lee Ellen 39 29 19 9 96
Krivinchuk Jeremiah 38 29 19 10 96
Packard Lisa 40 30 20 10 100
Ryan Sara 39 30 19 9 97
Sanfilippo Amanda 37 27 20 10 94


Clercx Byron - Score: 97.000


  • The mission statement is clear and affirmational; with programs/activities that fully support the mission
  • Three clear and ambitious (but reachable) goals:
    1. Transform the museum into visual arts/cultural hub (Broward Co.)
    2. Continue integrations into NSU
    3. Increase attendance (emphasis on children + senior citizens)
  • Three objectives with quantitative measures that should yield useful data patterns that identify strengths and areas for improvement during the assessment process
  • Activities and partnerships (educational and cultural), were clear, extensive, and described in relation to how they connect to the aforementioned objectives, goals and mission were apparent.
  • Clearly demonstrated how proposed programs were essential and exemplary
  • Confident in the ability of the organization to carry out the proposal and apply what it learns to improve its offerings and outlook


  • Provides significant cultural services and opportunities to the community
    • including a commendable partnership with Blue Star Families that offers free admission to active duty military and their families.
  • Docent Speaker’s Bureau serves 1,000 seniors annually
  • The organization has utilized AFTA’s Arts & Economic Prosperity IV reports economic prosperity calculator and made some corresponding references to the museums key role, as a cultural indicator and anchor in downtown Fort Lauderdale. As you move forward, consider using more from the American’s for the Arts, Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 report and/or in conjunction with Creative Placemaking by Markusen and Gadwa). Integrating the compelling statistical data, testimonials, and case studies each proffers with further amplify and legitimize the value-added enhancements the museum makes to: community livability and sustainability, and the local, state, and national creative economy.
  • Marketing and Educational Outreach components serve the target constituency and are appropriate for the program/project


  • Very confident in the fiscal stability of the organization to carry out the proposed activities and sustain the programs after the grant cycle concludes.
  • The evaluation plan is appropriate and will aid the organization achieve its mission. However, not all data collected/measured has the same value (e.g., tracking attendance can yield useful demographic data about age, gender, zip code,) but survey compliance is voluntary and just because someone attended an event doesn’t mean they were intellectually invested/involved, or that their opinion or the event has merit. Where possible and pertinent, consider whether developing and introducing targets and stretch target goals into the evaluation plan would yield more actionable data.


  • Appears to meet ADA accessibility criteria (504 Self Eval, compliance staff person, etc.)
Dodds Jed - Score: 94.000
Quality of programming appears excellent, both exhibitions and education/outreach. Impressive growth in attendance, and impact on development. Website is great.
Harder Lee Ellen - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}
Krivinchuk Jeremiah - Score: 96.000
Very clear outline of goals and objectives.
Packard Lisa - Score: 100.000

Very impressive fundraising.

Ryan Sara - Score: 97.000

Excellence: 60th anniversary, strong mission statement, objectives directly feed back into goals (would be great if you explained what VISTA is and why you've placed an emphasis on children and seniors), activities also related back to goals/objectives, research center, promised gift of 100 contemporary works, strong partnerships.

Impact: Large impact numbers, strong economic impact reporting, attendance has increased 55% since 2013, strong education and outreach programs.

Management: Do you have specific goals/campaigns you are planning to build your endowment and unrestricted funds? Do you have cash reserves, debt, long term liabilities?

Accessibility: Workshops for Title 1 schools, co-hosted fundraiser for local LGTB group. Do your demographics mirror the school's? Are you wheelchair accessible? Do you accommodate any other physical or intellectual disabilities?

Sanfilippo Amanda - Score: 94.000

Ambitious mission statement..."encompassing all facets of civilization's visual history"...perhaps focus more on what mean


sophisticated program