Scores and Comments

Arts Center Association, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score673.000
Average Score96.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Clercx Byron 35 29 19 10 93
Dodds Jed 37 28 20 8 93
Harder Lee Ellen 39 29 19 10 97
Krivinchuk Jeremiah 38 30 19 10 97
Packard Lisa 40 30 20 10 100
Ryan Sara 39 30 19 10 98
Sanfilippo Amanda 37 28 20 10 95


Clercx Byron - Score: 93.000


  • The Morean Arts Center's mission is coherent, concise andfocused on community and contemporary art.
  • The Education Program goals, objectives, and activities were overly general, while others (asa in example below) were succinct, clear and measurable and align with goals and mission: (#6: Increase youth camp scholarships from 50 to 70).Despite this, there are very minimal concerns about the ability of the organization to carry out the proposal during the grant cycle.
  • Likewise, the list of partnerships was expansive, informative and inspiring.


  • Demonstrates significant economic impact of the organizations mission aligned programs/projects.
    • Between ATFA’s economic prosperity calculator and Research Data Services (which conduct their first visitor survey and economic impact study of the 4 venues), Morean Arts Center's accounted for close to $37M in economic impact in Pinellas County.
    • They also can account for up to $800K in revenue that recirculated through downtown St. Petersburgh as a result of attendees visiting one of their venues.
  • The qualitative and quantitative contributions the Morean Arts Center contributes to the local creative economy can be further qualified and expanded by citing additional information from credible sources.
  • Very appropriate and effective marketing and promotional and audience development activities are in place.
  • Clear examples of the organizations educational and outreach activities were delineated


  • Very confident in the Morean Arts Center fiscal stability and the ability of the organization to carry out the project during the grant cycle and sustain the activities at a high-level after the grant period.
    • since 2010 earned income shifted from less than 30% to 91% of revenues.
    • Ticket and retail sales account for 73% of that earned income (which they rightfully cite as (the underpinning for sustainability for daily operations and this proposal’s successful completion).
    • They have $300K line of credit
  • Evaluation methods are well-defined, clear and measurable


  • Appears to meet ADA accessibility criteria (504 Self Eval, compliance staff person, etc.)
Dodds Jed - Score: 93.000
Quality is reasonably strong, and impressive array of programs. Chihuly initiative and other moves appear to have paid off in growth thru increased earned revenue.
Harder Lee Ellen - Score: 97.000
{No comments provided.}
Krivinchuk Jeremiah - Score: 97.000
Clear goals and objectives.  Impressive timeline and impact numbers.
Packard Lisa - Score: 100.000
Extremely well written and thorough grant application. 
Ryan Sara - Score: 98.000

Excellence: Second century of service. Mission statement cited differently between synopsis and mission. Directly referencing the support materials within the narrative strengthened the application. Objectives were very specific and measurable. Extensive partnerships and timeline.

Impact: Strong impact numbers and narrative, especially economic.

Management: Impressive shift in earned income. Do you have cash reserves or an endowment. How do you ensure success over the next 100 years?

Accessibility: Very extensive. Have you identified any perception or transportation based barriers and if so do you have future plans to address them?

Sanfilippo Amanda - Score: 95.000
doing a lot!