Scores and Comments

Embracing Our Differences, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score659.000
Average Score94.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Clercx Byron 37 30 19 10 96
Dodds Jed 32 27 18 8 85
Harder Lee Ellen 37 28 18 10 93
Krivinchuk Jeremiah 37 30 17 8 92
Packard Lisa 40 30 20 10 100
Ryan Sara 39 30 19 10 98
Sanfilippo Amanda 37 28 20 10 95


Clercx Byron - Score: 96.000


  • Mission statement is aspirational, inspirational and describes the organizations charge. The proposed program, titled, Embracing Our Differences (EOD), is fully aligned with the mission (and promotes arts appreciation and social justice (with a stated emphasis on anti-bias education/empathy especially with/for children)
  • EOD’s six goals are clear, pro-active (and apropos given the state of current socio-political affairs), and most are realizable and measurable (#2 is a good example).
  • Adding numerical targets and stretch targets to all objectives (as indicated in #3 and #5) may help align activities with goals and mission) and provide meaningful data collection points to evaluate event outcomes, planning, and sustainability.
  • Range and number of partnerships is appropriate, if not, extensive. However, lumping them together in narrative paragraph format does not clearly describe each entities key role and value in your event.


  • Aggregate audience attendance (250K) and numbers for the affiliated sub-categories are plausible (given manual count single-point of entry guidelines published by Hornback & Eagles - Guidelines for Public Use Measurement and Reporting at Parks (1999).
  • Educational and outreach components serve the constituency and provide and appropriate and very meaningful programming for the community/constituency.
  • While 2017 numbers are not yet available (as event closes June 2017), attendance for the 2016 event was noteworthy: totaling 209K, with 100K qualifying as (cultural) tourists.
  • The Marketing and Promotion plan is appropriate and effective
  • Very confident in the value-added impact of the event and in the organizations ability to carry out the proposal and sustain the event.


  • Evaluation methods are well defined, clear and fully measurable, and are employed to help the organization achieve its mission and programming.


  • Appears to meet ADA accessibility criteria (504 Self Eval, compliance staff person, etc.)
Dodds Jed - Score: 85.000
Admirable goals and impressive attendance and survey results. Artistic quality could be stronger. Would have liked to see lesson plans as evidence of quality. 
Harder Lee Ellen - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
Krivinchuk Jeremiah - Score: 92.000

Would like to see more definitive program evaluation timeline used to understand how often student experiences are being evaluated. 

Even though, the event is a public location, does the organization provide accessibility signage and images at the event and on marketing materials?

Packard Lisa - Score: 100.000

Very impressive program, well written grant application. I commend you for your strong pursuit of outside revenues.

Ryan Sara - Score: 98.000

Excellence: Very strong/clear synopsis, adding a how statement to all of your objectives would strengthen them (like you did for objective 4, "...engaged as docents BY creating new service clubs..."),video and quote from teacher demonstrated excellence, needed to flush out timeline.

Impact: Free to attend, free for artists to submit, and free transportation for fields trips deepen impact. Strong economic impact demonstrated. Marketing plan is aggressive and has a far reach. Would have liked to have seen the drop in the marketing budget addressed.

Management: Strong points included starting first endowment, no debt, completing every year with a balance budget, a 30% in first time donors. Under Evaluation, would have liked to have seen frequency of education program evaluation and how visitor surveys are distributed. When staff positions are covered by grant funding, it would be reassuring to list an alternate way to make payroll without grant funding.

Accessibility: ADA accessible, materials for those with hearing/sight impairments. Future consideration for those with intellectual disabilities?

Sanfilippo Amanda - Score: 95.000
{No comments provided.}