Scores and Comments

Miami Short Film Festival

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score439.000
Average Score87.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Hughes William 37 27 17 9 90
Riley Trish 33 24 15 9 81
Scoon Valerie 38 28 18 10 94
Thaler Rob 38 27 14 10 89
Zaldivar Juan Carlos 25 30 20 10 85


Hughes William - Score: 90.000
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Riley Trish - Score: 81.000
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Scoon Valerie - Score: 94.000
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Thaler Rob - Score: 89.000

Really good work with numbered items in Goals and Objectives. sure to include goals and measurable objectives before heading into programming.

Goal: share film as art

Objective: show 15 shorts

Strategy: a festival

Evaluation is tied back to objectives.

Use things like ticket sales, surveys, Facebook likes, shares and clicks, media coverage, # of films, program costs, post-analysis. The 850 films moves up to objectives. Evaluation is the # of submissions.

At 13%, admission/sale of service is low. 40% is solid. 6,000 buyers times $10 = $60k. I'm not clear on $21,000 from 6,000 attendees.

Not sure what's holding you back on admissions, paying yourself and the size of your request.



Zaldivar Juan Carlos - Score: 85.000
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