Scores and Comments

Global Peace Film Festival, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score451.000
Average Score90.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Hughes William 37 25 16 9 87
Riley Trish 37 27 19 9 92
Scoon Valerie 37 24 18 10 89
Thaler Rob 35 25 16 7 83
Zaldivar Juan Carlos 40 30 20 10 100


Hughes William - Score: 87.000
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Riley Trish - Score: 92.000
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Scoon Valerie - Score: 89.000
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Thaler Rob - Score: 83.000


Satisfactorily demonstrates public value of arts and culture. Merits investment of State of Florida funding.


Identify measurable objectives then give a specific #. Increase by x number of people, x%, x showings.

A more structured timeline of activities within the grant period would be helpful.

January - March:




Gender # is interesting.

Evaluation: ticket sales, Facebook likes and shares, visitss to the websit, email response, media coverage.

Fiscal Sponsorship $142k?

What's Impact Consulting rev.?

The organization is responsible for accessibility and selecting fully compliant facilities. There's no slack for a presenter.

Zaldivar Juan Carlos - Score: 100.000
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