Scores and Comments

Speak Up Tampa Bay Public Access Television, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score440.000
Average Score88.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Hughes William 38 29 18 9 94
Riley Trish 37 27 18 9 91
Scoon Valerie 36 27 20 10 93
Thaler Rob 33 26 18 10 87
Zaldivar Juan Carlos 20 30 15 10 75


Hughes William - Score: 94.000
No Check box on auth. signature.
Riley Trish - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}
Scoon Valerie - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
Thaler Rob - Score: 87.000
Satisfactorily demonstrates public value of arts and culture. Merits investment of State of Florida funding.


To establish context, tell the panelist about your organization first thing in the description. 

Impact: A tough call for a broadcaster and DCA staff. I'd distinguish between viewership (benefit/engage) and awareness (exposure to media promos, print ads, etc.) I appreciate the calculations. Snapshot numbers would work: an average of 20,000 viewers per broadcast for 40 broadcasts = 800,000 individuals. 

Evaluation and direct outreach are fair.

"We are tenants in a mall that was renovated in 2008 and was ADA-compliant as of that date."

Good support materials.


Zaldivar Juan Carlos - Score: 75.000

The evaluation plan seems vague. It states that it "collect data" but it does not specify what kind of data or how it will be harvested. The plan also relies on views only.

The purpose of the production of these short films as stated in the proposal is clear but there doesn't seem to be a solid plan to make sure that they are successful in accomplishing this plan.

I would support this project with a lesser amount than requested if fellow panelists make a strong argument in their favor.